Classroom Protection Products

LifeBolt classroom door locks offer unmatched protection and security even in the most challenging of situations, including power loss. Compared to much more expensive electronic door protection, LifeBolt requires no extra keys to locate or buttons to activate during intense moments when motor skills may be diminished.

LifeBolt protection products prevent intruders from entering the room

Designed for peace of mind

With the real threat of an active shooter situation affecting so many, LifeBolt classroom protection products provide peace of mind for families and their loved ones.

Designed for peace of mind

With the real threat of an active shooter situation affecting so many, LifeBolt classroom protection products provide peace of mind for families and their loved ones.

Quick activation when timing is everything

The single-motion, push-pull locking mechanism allows LifeBolt products to be easily activated, even when normal motor skills are affected during an emergency situation.

Quick activation when timing is everything

The single-motion, push-pull locking mechanism allows LifeBolt products to be easily activated, even when normal motor skills are affected during an emergency situation.

Built to withstand

Designed with military-grade aluminum, our products are engineered to withstand thousands of pounds of pressure and gunshots without sacrificing security.

Built to withstand

Designed with military-grade aluminum, our products are engineered to withstand thousands of pounds of pressure and gunshots without sacrificing security.

No Power, No Problem

There are no batteries, electronics, WiFi, or software to constantly maintain. Simply install your LifeBolt product and it will be immediately ready for use at any moment, any time, forever.

No Power, No Problem

There are no batteries, electronics, WiFi, or software to constantly maintain. Simply install your LifeBolt product and it will be immediately ready for use at any moment, any time, forever.

Designed with safety and compliance in mind.

Lifebolt’s products are fully compliant with the following fire safety codes and are ready for use at the moment of installation:

  • Comply with the International Fire Safety Code (IFC) – LifeBolt Single Motion Egress Lock
  • Comply with the International Building Code (IBC)
  • Comply with the NFPA101 provisions on Life Safety
  • Comply with NFPA 101 Classroom Door Locking to Prevent Unwanted Entry
  • Comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act, can be mounted at compliant height and is egress operable without twisting or firm grip.

Designed with safety and compliance in mind.

Lifebolt’s products are fully compliant with the following fire safety codes and are ready for use at the moment of installation:

  • Comply with the International Fire Safety Code (IFC) – LifeBolt Single Motion Egress Lock
  • Comply with the International Building Code (IBC)
  • Comply with the NFPA101 provisions on Life Safety
  • Comply with NFPA 101 Classroom Door Locking to Prevent Unwanted Entry
  • Comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act, can be mounted at compliant height and is egress operable without twisting or firm grip.

Keyed Access only when needed.

No keys are required to activate LifeBolt locks and LifeShutter. However, our locks are designed to accept a standard cylinder keyed to match existing locks for ease of use by the teacher.

The ‘Master Key’ feature allows administrators and emergency personnel immediate access to the room when necessary.

Keyed Access only when needed.

No keys are required to activate LifeBolt locks and LifeShutter. However, our locks are designed to accept a standard cylinder keyed to match existing locks for ease of use by the teacher.

The ‘Master Key’ feature allows administrators and emergency personnel immediate access to the room when necessary.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do LifeBolt Locks work?

LifeBolt Locks are permanent, simple push-pull locks that can be easily activated to secure a door well beyond its original capabilities. The easy-to-use, keyless, quick locking mechanism makes locking down in an emergency a simplified, streamlined process.

Are there any keys?

LockNo keys are required for activation of LifeBolt locks and LifeShutter. However, our locks are designed to accept a standard cylinder keyed to match existing locks for ease of use by the teacher.

A master key allows administrators and emergency personnel immediate access to the room when necessary.

Do LifeBolt products use electricity?

LifeBolt classroom protection products use no batteries, electronics, WiFi, or software. There is nothing to maintain. Simply install your LifeBolt product and it is immediately ready for use at any moment, anytime, forever.

Do LifeBolt products work for any door?

Yes. LifeBolt’s classroom protection products can be installed on any classroom or office inswing, outswing, or double doors. The simple push-pull lock can be easily activated to secure a door well beyond its original capabilities.

Are there grants available for your products?

There are many grants available for school safety at the Federal and State level. The link below can help guide you to Grants for your school.

School Safety Grants |

What Compliance Measures do you take?

Fire codes for locking of classroom door vary from state to state. Please check with your local Fire Safety personnel to see which version of our lock complies. We will gladly meet with anyone that has concerns about compliance.

We take Fire Safety extremely seriously. We offer 2 solutions for your classroom.
Our original LifeBolt Lock and the Single Motion Egress LifeBolt SME that will unlock when the door handle is turned.

More Information can be found here:

NASFM (National Association of State Fire Marshals)

NFPA101 – Life Safety Code

What are LifeBolt products made of?

Lifebolt classroom protection products are all milled from military-grade aluminum & engineered to withstand several thousand pounds of pressure and blunt force, offering elevated security to standard doors.

Where are LifeBolt products currently available?

LifeBolt products are currently available to provide classroom security for school districts in Georgia, and throughout the United States.

How can I get a demo?

Simply fill out our form to get in touch with us and request an in-person demo.

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Schedule a demo today to see the difference LifeBolt protection products can make

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